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Evaluation of drug use in patients over 65 years of age admitted to endocrinology outpatient clinic with beers criteria
Aims: Multiple drug use creates a burden on both the individual and the health system. And this is often observed in advanced age patient groups. Various scales have been developed for the prevention of polypharmacy. We aimed to apply the Beers criteria used for this purpose in the prescriptions of patients who applied to the endocrinology outpatient clinic.
Methods: 102 patients aged 65 years and over who applied to the endocrinology outpatient clinic for routine control and who had at least four drugs in their prescription were included in this study. Demographic data and drug use status of the patients were recorded and evaluated.
Results: Of the 102 cases included in the study, 70 (68.6%) were women. The most common chronic pathology was diabetes mellitus in 83 (81.4%) cases. Inappropriate drug use was most common in endocrine system drugs. The prescriptions included in the study were evaluated according to the 2019 Beers criteria retrospectively and inappropriate drug use was detected in 42 prescriptions (41.2%).
Conclusion: Considering the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of drugs that change with age, the importance of polypharmacy and inappropriate drug use has emerged, and standardized scales have been created to evaluate this situation in elderly patients. In this study, insulins, proton pump inhibitors, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs seem to be the most commonly administered inappropriate drugs. Applying Beers criteria, one of the polypharmacy scales may be the right approach for a rational and effective treatment in the elderly.

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Volume 3, Issue 2, 2023
Page : 85-88