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Original Article
Evaluation of the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the depression, anxiety and stress levels of anesthesiology and reanimation doctors, and their work and social lives
Aims: To measure the effects of the Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic on the socioeconomy and their depression, anxiety and stress scores of anesthesiology and reanimation specialists, using the DASS-21 (Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale – 21).
Methods: The study was conducted with an online questionnaire directed to the participants online, following the approval of Uludağ University Ethics Committee labeled 2020-16/1. The questionnaire was prepared on SurveyMonkey and distributed via a specially acquired link. Participants were prevented from completing the questionnaire more than once. 38 questions were asked to the participants. At the end of the questionnaire, the participants were asked to fill the DASS-21 scale. Questionnaire link has been distributed through social media and mobile communication applications.
Results: 198 volunteers participated in the study. 122 of the participants were female (61.62%) and 76 (38.38%) were males. 75 of the participants (37.88%) were trainees, 113 (57.07%) were anesthesiology and reanimation specialists, 2 (1.01%) were specialist physicians undergoing intensive care training, 4 (%) 2,02) were intensive care specialists, 1 was a specialist physician receiving algology training, and 3 (1.52%) were algologists. 42 participants were (21.21%) in a training-research hospital, 87 participants (43.94%) in a university hospital, 35 participants (17.68%) in a state hospital, 13 participants (6.57%) in city hospitals, and 21 participants (10.61%) were working in private hospitals. %81.6 of all physicians participating in the survey show depression symptoms, %62 of participants were showing symptoms of anxiety and 71.1% of participants described stress symptoms. All scores were higher in female physicians (p <0,05). Depression scores of residents were higher than specialists (p<0,05). All scores of physicians working in training-research hospitals are higher than physicians working in other institutions (p <0,05).
Conclusion: Almost all physicians have experienced changes in workload, income and workplaces during the pandemic. High DASS-21 scores in all physicians were thought-provoking and highlighted the psychological pressure that anesthesiology and reanimation physicians had been under.

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Volume 4, Issue 2, 2024
Page : 39-44