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Original Article
The role of immature granulocytes in the early diagnosis of pneumonia developing secondary to rib fractures
Aims: This retrospective study aimed to investigate the role of immature granulocytes (IGs) in the early diagnosis of pneumonia secondary to rib fractures.
Methods: This study was conducted on patients who applied to the emergency department of our hospital between 2019 and 2022. Patients aged between 18 and 100 years who were found to have rib fractures in the thorax CT report and were hospitalized, who had hemogram data in the hospital’s database, were included in the study. Patients with detected COVID-19 infection without hemogram data and patients who refused examination and treatment were excluded from the study. Patients’ blood tests, radiological images, and epicrisis reports were analyzed. The data of patients with and without pneumonia were compared statistically.
Results: Overall, 155 patients, 117 men and 38 women were included in the study. Pneumonia developed in 11 patients, and two patient died. In our study, it was determined that the risk of pneumonia increased by 38% in each additional rib fracture, and the risk of pneumonia increased 9.44 times if the IG value at the 48th hour was greater than 0.06. In addition, when the receiver operating characteristic curves in our study were examined, it was observed that the IG number at 48 hours gave excellent results in the diagnosis of pneumonia, with 75% sensitivity and 88% specificity (cut off: 0.055, AUC: 0.827, p = 0.002).
Conclusion: Our study showed that IGs are an effective marker in the early diagnosis of pneumonia secondary to rib fractures.

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Volume 4, Issue 3, 2024
Page : 84-87