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Case Report
A case of occupational hypersensitivity pneumonia in a welder
A 35-year-old male patient with a history of pigeon feeding was reported to have hypersensitivity pneumonia on thorax high-resolution computed tomography, which was taken after complaints of shortness of breath, fever, and weight loss. Firstly, hypersensitivity pneumonia due to pigeon feeding was considered a diagnosis. The patient's contact with the pigeon was cut off. His clinic improved with oral corticosteroid therapy. His symptoms recurred after oral corticosteroid therapy was discontinued. In the professional anamnesis taken, it was learned that he had been doing welding work for 14 years and his complaints increased on the days he worked. After other causes were excluded with the differential diagnosis, the case was diagnosed with hypersensitivity pneumonia due to metal dust contact. The rarity of occupational hypersensitivity pneumonia cases in welding workers makes it important to report individual cases and exposures. Occupational history can be skipped in hypersensitivity pneumonia patients, as it is often thought to be caused by contact with organic factors such as pigeon breeding. The importance of work history anamnesis is highlighted in the diagnosis of rare diseases such as occupational hypersensitivity pneumonia.

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Volume 3, Issue 3, 2023
Page : 179-182