Kastamonu Medical Journal regularly publishes internationally qualified issues in the field of Medicine in the light of up-to-date information.

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Full Issue

Original Article - Cardiovascular Surgery

: 113 : 50

Citation : Tamtekin B, Ersoy GG. Permanent hemodialysis catheters inserted with traditional (blind) technique: 10 years experience. Kastamonu Med J. 2024;4(3):80-83.

: 56 : 41

Citation : Dal İ, Gülten S. The role of immature granulocytes in the early diagnosis of pneumonia developing secondary to rib fractures. Kastamonu Med J. 2024;4(3):84-87.

Original Article - Pediatrics

Evaluation of pediatric patients referred from the secondary care state hospital emergency department

: 349 : 32

Citation : Samut Bülbül S, Sanrı E, Bozkaya Yücel B, Türe E, Görgün S. Evaluation of pediatric patients referred from the secondary care state hospital emergency department. Kastamonu Med J. 2024;4(3):88-95.

: 66 : 33

Citation : Doymuş Ö, Dostbil A, Aksoy M, İnce İ, Cimilli Şenocak G. Comparison of the efficacy of two different doses of low-dose bupivacaine for spinal anesthesia in patients undergoing cesarean operations on anesthesia quality and intraoperative hemodynamic parameters. Kastamonu Med J. 2024;4(3):96-101.

Original Article - Other

Labial fusions and age periods

: 70 : 29

Citation : Ulusoy Tangül S, Şenaylı A. Labial fusions and age periods. Kastamonu Med J. 2024;4(3):102-104.

Original Article - Family Medicine

: 83 : 32

Citation : Medeni İ, Medeni V, Sezer Olgun A. Cancer screening in people aged between 30-69 in a town: a cross-sectional study in Turkiye. Kastamonu Med J. 2024;4(3):105-110.

: 57 : 48

Citation : Evran T, İlhan S, Çopur İ. Evaluation of intracranial pressure using optic nerve sheath diameter in patients undergoing thulium laser prostatectomy with spinal or general anesthesia. Kastamonu Med J. 2024;4(3):111-114.

: 67 : 38

Citation : Uluç K. Retrospective analysis of acute intoxication cases in the intensive care unit: a 5-year single-center study. Kastamonu Med J. 2024;4(3):115-118.

Original Article - Neurology

: 99 : 29

Citation : Kocatürk İ, Bildirici MA. Evaluation of hematological markers and disease activity in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Kastamonu Med J. 2024;4(3):119-123.

Original Article - Radiology

: 148 : 40

Citation : Atik İ, Gül E, Bozbıyık N, Koç T. Association of visceral and subcutaneous adiposity with tumor and histologic grade in breast cancer. Kastamonu Med J. 2024;4(3):124-127.

: 51 : 58

Citation : Güleç GG. Unusual cervical involvement in psoriatic arthritis and the presence of cervical and facial dystonia: a case report. Kastamonu Med J. 2024;4(3):128-130.

Letter to the Editor - Ear Nose Throat (Otorhinolaryngology)

: 70 : 26

Citation : Öner F, Kaya Çelik E. Who first? Should the surgeon prioritize the patient’s benefit or protect himself/herself? Kastamonu Med J. 2024;4(3):131-132.